10 Tips How To Get Ready To Make Videos (video)

Who said that recording video is easy? It might be easy for someone who doesn’t mind to be in front of the camera. But all the introverts out there…how about them? Not so easy anymore? And how about people who are new to some of the hi-tech gadgets?

Even nowadays, when most of us own smartphones, it’s still difficult for many to start creating videos. And then if you have to be in front of the camera, that’s a totally different approach.

Think about different demographics. It might be easier for someone who is used to owning a smartphone since childhood. And it might be a different (more challenging) approach for someone who didn’t have that experience and needs to learn everything from the ground up. I’m NOT saying that every Older Adult needs help with how to use a smartphone, but there are some who need the support.

Don’t judge, just help. Provide support and explain if asked for help. Let’s make sure that those who would like to learn how to create videos have as easy start as possible.

**Too Shy To Record Video** here are 10 Tips on how to get ready and start creating videos.

link → https://youtu.be/ZhQ78kYpMUU

#GroovyTakeOn #OlderAdultsLife


Social Media for Older Adults & Non-Techies Helper by day and Groovy Photo Chaser all the time

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