Polish Festival at the End of the World – Arizona

That’s it! It was a great 13th Annual Polish Festival in Phoenix, Arizona. That’s it, there is nothing else that I need say about the event. But knowing me I’m going to share with you few things about this event.

  • 13th edition and it’s getting better and better each year
  • This year approximately 6,000-7,000 people visited the venue
  • If you are interested in history and tradition then it’s an event for you: Polish live folk music, folk dance groups, pierogi eating contest (that’s right!) and something more cultural – Polish exhibit
  • This year Polish exhibit was: Baptism of Poland (that took place in 966)
  • Polish traditional food and lots of Polish beer
  • And there was also a “kid’s corner” with lots of fun options for kids

It’s a two days event and this year Arizona weather played a trick on us with great first day and rain during the second day. But event organizers have got us covered by giant tents over the festival venue.

I’m a strong believer that events like that can exist without great volunteers. People were working very hard to create a nice, family-friendly atmosphere for all the guest.

See you next year at the Polish Festival here in Phoenix, Arizona.

Here are some pictures from the festival:


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