It is Personal

burning tree_klaudiajurewicz

That’s right! Everything it’s personal now. No matter where you go on-line, it’s personal. People are telling you to use live video streaming platforms (Periscope, Blab, Facebook Live), be on Snapchat, etc. and share your story. But what does it mean to share your story? Does it mean that before we didn’t have a chance to tell our story? Does it mean that before it was not about us?

For last 10 year, since Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram took over the world (on-line and off-line) we are sharing our stories all the time. No matter where you go – there’s someone telling you about their experience/life/etc.

So what is that “tell your story” movement all about? We are sharing our personal stories all the time and everywhere we can whether others like it or not.

Maybe instead of just sharing a story we should try and and pay more attention to sharing a good one.


I published this post originally at my other (old) blog


Social Media for Older Adults & Non-Techies Helper by day and Groovy Photo Chaser all the time

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